Refund, Cancellation, and Subscription Policies

(Here user means the Parents/Student who registers for the regular course or any other services)
> After Subscription, a refund shall be issued to the Parent/Student who wants to leave the course on a monthly basis, i.e. if the student pays for 4 months course and wants to leave after one month, then 3 months refund will be issued to the parent.

Similarly, it is Parents/Student responsibility to evaluate available courses, including its features, limitations, and system requirements before selecting any Paid Plan. Shishay Infocom will not issue refunds to customers on the basis of customers not understanding the system requirements or on per day course basis.

Fees, Refunds and Charges

Client (Parent/Student) shall pay for all course fees, and hereby authorizes Shishay Infocom (and its payment processors) to debit Client’s bank account or charge Client’s credit card, as stated on Client’s channel subscription and billing page. Client agrees that all subscriptions are recurring and will renew automatically if it has a renewal system. Client shall also be solely responsible for paying and remitting to the appropriate tax authorities all applicable taxes (withholding tax, sales tax, services tax, value-added tax (VAT), goods and services tax (GST), etc.) or duties imposed by any government entity or collecting agency except those taxes based on Shishay Infocom Pvt Ltd net income. In the event Client fails to satisfy its tax and/or duty obligations herein, Client shall reimburse Shishay Infocom upon demand for any taxes and/or duties paid on behalf of Client and shall defend, indemnify and hold Shishay Infocom Pvt Ltd harmless against any claim and/or liability (including penalties) resulting from Client’s failure to pay such taxes and/or duties.

Cancellation Policy. After the subscription of course if parent/student wants to cancel his/her subscription then he can write a mail to the company on . It is pertinent to note that cancellation of subscription doesn’t eligible him/her to claim a refund for the same.

Third-Party Charges. Parent/Student shall directly pay the fees and charges for all third party vendors whose services Client uses in connection with the Services (e.g., internet access providers, telephone carriers, etc.). In addition to any fees charged by Shishay Infocom Pvt Ltd, company Shishay Infocom Pvt Ltd reserves the right to charge Client for any regulatory or governmental fees, contributions or other charges that are legally required or assessed.